in Japanese
This is a library of meteorological/oceanological calculators.
The Java script is used here.
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Thank you for your understanding.
- Potential temperature theta (P, T)
- Saturation water vapor pressure e_s (T)
- Saturation specific humidity q_sat (P, T)
- Specific humidity q (P, T, h)
- Relative humidity h (P, T, q)
- Vertual temperature T_v (T, q, c)
- Dew point T_d (P, T, q)
- Wet bulb temperature T_wet (P, T, q)
- Equivalent potential temperature theta_e (P, T, q)
- Moist adiabatic lapse rate Gamma_w (P, T)
Original version: November 7, 2005; Last update: April 9, 2009.